jara notun youtuber, and jader channel 1000 view ar kom hoy tader CTR neya kuno sinta korte hove na, tove par day 1000+ hole apnar CTR newnito seek korte hove, are CTR Somporke aro jante amar video ta deken, na bujle comment koren ami asi apnar pase.
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Sir, though I am a new youtuber, but I respect the goolgle adsense policy and terms and conditions. I don’t encourage my friends and family to do any invalid clicks on my channel . But very unfortunate that these days my CTR is going very high and sometimes it is going above 20%. Pls help me out of this danger because I am extremely afraid of my adsense account suspension. I promote my videos by sharing on social media like facebook, whatsapp, Instagram but I cant understand who re doing these types of unusual activity on my channel. Again, I promise here that I will abide by the google adsense policy in every step of my activity. Thanks.
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i dont know what happen with my adsense account. i have not done anything worng with my adsense account. before sign up in adsense account i read all trams and pollicies. i dont know about any invallid click which made by me unknowingly. i think my haters are click on my ads and this is not my fault. but im trying to keep safe my adsense account from invalid click activity. i request google team please provide me some good suggestion. thank you very much
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