You can create a collage or montage in Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop
Elements in several ways, but the following method is the simplest.
Following the steps below, you add each new image to the collage image
as a separate layer. This process allows you to manipulate each image
individually. When all of your images are assembled in the final image,
you can resize or move the layers (the added images).
If the Layers panel does not appear, choose Window - Layers.
Create a collage
Choose File - New to create a new blank image. Specify image size
based on the desired print size (such as 8 inches x 10 inches at 150
pixels per inch on a white background).
Note: If your images differ in resolution or pixels per inch, they
could display at an unexpected size in the collage image. You can use
the steps below on transforming layers to resize the images
appropriately. See online Help for more information about resolution.
Choose File - Open, and open the first image (Image 1) to be added
to the collage image. You now have the collage image and the first image
(Image 1) open at the same time.
Select the Move tool. Click anywhere within Image 1, drag from the
Image 1 window to the collage image window, and release the mouse
button. Image 1 displays in the collage image window. Image 1 is on a
new layer, called Layer 1.
Double-click the words "Layer 1" in the Layers panel, and rename
Layer 1 so that you can track your layers.
Close the Image 1 window so that only the collage image is open.
Your Layers panel now contains a Background layer and the new layer that
you renamed.
After you add your first image to the collage image, open the next image
that you want to add. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to add all your images
to the collage image.
Resize, reposition, and rotate the images or layers in the collage
In the Layers panel, click once on the layer that you want to
adjust, to target the layer.
Choose Edit - Free Transform (Photoshop) or Image - Transform - Free
Transform (Photoshop Elements).
Note: Before you transform your layer, make sure that the correct
layer is targeted in the Layers panel.
Note the bounding box around the edges of the layer and the anchor
points on all four corners and sides (eight total).
Resize the layer by dragging the anchor points.
Reposition the layer by clicking inside the bounding box and
Note: If a layer displays larger than the collage image, drag
the layer in any direction until you can see a corner of the image. You
can then transform the image using the anchor point on the visible
Rotate the layer by positioning your cursor just outside the
bounding box, clicking, and dragging. You can rotate the layer when your
cursor changes to a curved double-headed arrow.
In the option bar at the top of the screen, click the check box
to accept or commit the transformation. Or, click the circle with the
slash through it to cancel the transformation.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 to resize, reposition, and rotate each of the
other layers in the image.
Rearrange the stacking order of the layers
To change stacking order of the layers or the way the layers overlap,
drag any layer in the Layers panel above or below another layer.
How to Create a Collage Effect in Photoshop - Tutorial 2018
December 30, 2017